Having carefully read the new 2013 regulations from Greenpower the build of Projectile has to take a slightly different turn.
Firstly, under the changes there wont be any battery changes during races. This means the carefully planned and located battery access with the front-flip nose is now unnecessary....
.....Also in order to future proof the car as much as we can, we have noticed that Greenpower have already said that the 2014 regs will require 200mm of impact resistant foam in the nose of each car as opposed to the current 100mm.
This has caused us more of an issue since the front bulkhead which carries the front axle only has 100mm gap inside the carefully moulded nose of Projectile......gulp!
The only way we could see our way around this problem was some MAJOR surgery, in which we had to chop of the existing nose and sculpt a new longer one......
We decided to sculpt the entire nose from the squashy, impact resistant foam. |
No mean feat I can tell you (and we only just had enough foam!) I'm more happy with the resulting look than I expected to be, I had worried about it looking a right dogs dinner, but not too horrible!!
I think I'll keep the battery 'hatch' just in case they decide to change the rules back.... |
I think the new profile certainly gives the car a more aggressive front end, although I'm uncertain how to paint it or cover it given that it is a) squishy and b) absorbent!
Out with the old...
And in with the new...