Thursday, 13 March 2014

Welcome the new year 9 team members!

Ok, So today was the first after school club for the brand new year 9 team.

Welcome to Yasmin, Jane Marie, Esme, Alex, Alex and Nikhil!!

They are going to start the forthcoming season in the tried and tested "Darkside of the Plume" (last years car), but today started to build their own new car, which will be called Plume Power.

Yasmin and Jane Marie measure up..

Nikhil, Alex Kay and Alex Thompson mark out..

Team using jigsaw for the 1st time!

Pieces tacked together with just a glue gun..

As you can see, it can potentially fit really tall drivers
(I'm only 5'6!!!)

Chassis mock-up with nearly completed front roll-bar, steering kingpins
and rear axle assembly.

Rear axle to be mounted to back of battery box (not yet built)

Turning circle looks good in mock up... 

As it needs to be, this car needs to get around
 the Dunton Technical Centre Hairpin!!

So all in all a great start for the year 9's!! A way to go with their new car yet, but it has to be ready for September!!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The new wheel discs are here!

Just got the new discs back from our local vacuum forming company Plastikos (Tolleshunt Darcy)
And they are BRILLIANT!!!

The team members spent a happy session this evening trimming them to size and trialling different adhesives to stick them to our rims.

You need strong hands to cut through these....
.....even with really sharp scissors...well done Nathan!

Newest year 10 team member Jack trims the discs to exact size.

And Nathan cuts the hole in the middle..

After some careful sanding from
 Tash, Hannah and Ellie....PERFECT!

Trial fit on the car looks great!!!
Above you can also clearly see last week's work, when the team added
white plastic electrical conduit covering the nasty sharp edges of the 
aluminium honeycomb chassis. (tis held on with cable ties!)

Testing bits of vacuum formed plastic with different adhesives
on a spare wheel...including SUGRU which is really cool stuff!!